A mobile youth project for young people (age 11-18) in the north east of England.

We are run by experienced youth workers and volunteers with a passion for helping young people unleash their creative potential.

We deliver fun, inclusive and engaging youth led projects which teach valuable skills for life and encourage our participants to develop further through volunteering.

Currently we deliver youth work in Northumberland and Newcastle plus film making instruction for our friends Act2Cam (including BFI Film Academy) in North Tyneside.

Although not specifically focused on disability our staff have considerable training and experience working with a variety of conditions especially neurodiversity and learning difficulties. We are also experienced working with refugee families.

Working in partnership with young people we tailor PROGRAMMES with multiple ACTIVITIES to their specific requirements AND the needs of their local community.

Alternatively we can collaborate with existing projects on a sessional basis providing specific ACTIVITIES that they are not able to offer themselves.

National Lottery Community Fund